Tag Archives: self esteem

Self- Love Continued…

16.  What do you look and feel like when you are most confident?

When I am most confident comes in 2 forms, one when I can sit and just be myself, flaws and all.  However, I am at my most confident when I have slayed my makeup, my waist is snatched and everything is in it’s place.  In those moments of my flaws and all, the insecurities can creep in, sometimes when you’re slayed, they can creep in but you have to know that you are beautiful no matter what and accept you in whatever version you are.  The one that’s a work in progress, which tends to be most often or in the moments where you feel like you are your absolute best.  Be confident and accept you for you, flaws and all, behind the foundation or not.  You are you by what’s in your heart.

17.  What is something you do better than your peers?

This is a hard one to answer.  I’d say patience and/or thinking before I speak.  There are a lot of things that I take my time with  or that I’m not quick to react on.  Sometimes that saves me and sometimes I should’ve said what’s on my heart.  However, depending on who is on the other side of it most likely changes if I need to sit and think a while first.  They say if ‘you think long, you think wrong’ but that gives me time to weigh pros and cons and and the many different scenarios that could come from it.  All in all, you have to do what is best for you, but sometimes the biggest last word is the one not said.

18.  Name 5 traits that make you a good person?

Patient, Friendly, Helpful, Nice, Loving 

19.  Free write [positive]

Blessings.  Sometimes you just have to stop and live.  This weekend was technically not the best time to go away for a weekend get away.    My life is changing, I am starting a new job on Monday in a new city and need to be getting some things in order (not to say that those things aren’t happening while I’m away).  But when life is constantly in your face, sometimes you need to step away and just breathe.  I have a lot that is changing and it can definitely be overwhelming and I am so blessed to have people in my life to help me step away from it or help me conquer it.  I am very thankful for all of the people that help me navigate life.  A lot of things are being thrown at me quickly and Im working on catching all of the fast balls but sometimes they are ground balls and I have to pick them up but nevertheless, I get to them and we find a way to not strike out if possible because we have people watching our back.    So as I sit in Daytona Beach with the beach in my backyard and the freewill to write this post and a few moments to not think about all of the things that I need to think about…it feels good to just enjoy the moment and the friendships and the family and the raindrops and the hot tub and the food and the sand and the talks and the breaths of fresh air.  I am not perfect and I am learning to be better at everything day by day.  I may not do everything the way that you’d like me to do it or vice versa, or I may not handle each situation the same way you would, we’re all different but just know that I’m doing my best to be the best version of me and continue to grow into a better version of me.  With my new role of working in my passion as a full time Makeup Artist, a may not have the time to get away like this again so I take this moment to just bask in the sunset.

20.  What do you want more of in your life?

I want more love, more travel, more freedom, more living.  We spend so much time living check to check or in between checks that we don’t have time or the freedom to experience all that this world has to offer.  We can’t just get away and live and sit by the beach, run your toes through the sand, try a new food…just experience something new.  When I say love, it doesn’t have to be in a relationship, that would be nice but even just friendships, loving life and the skin I’m in.  Every moment is not promised, live it up, take chances.  

21.  If you were a flower , what kind would you be?

Calla lily, these flowers are associated with purity, faith, youth, and rebirth.  I strive to walk in faith more and not scared faith.  Lately I’ve been working on trusting God more and just walking in faith.  The beauty of this flower and the meaning is truly what I strive for, to be elegant, full of inner and outer beauty, full of faith and purity.

22.  What would make your teenage self- proud of you now?

I think my teenage self would be proud that I have not strayed far from the person I was then.  I am a matured version of that same person with more morals, values and responsibilities.  You couldn’t look at me now and not recognize that person then… same ‘ol NiSi.