Tag Archives: moneytrain

Women’s Empowerment Summit

So, I promoted it for weeks, maybe months. The date has come and gone but the gems and nuggets shared, will last for a long time. August 6th was a full day, including an 8:30am client. Here’s how it all went down.

Plans change…

With most clients that I book, I try to keep being mommy and being a businesswoman separate, but a lot of times they come together. Plans changed the day prior to the summit so my son came along for the ride and I booked a makeup client. I received a referral from one of my Bennett sisters who had a friend, who a friend that needed makeup for her videoshoot with Moneytrain and Anthony Hamilton. In order to have her on time for her video shoot and to give me a cushion for traveling, we left Greensboro a little after 6am. Luckily we did because we ran into construction on the way to Charlotte.

Let’s get started…

Tam was ready to get makeup started once we arrived (yes, I gave her a heads up that my son would be accompanying me). We talked, we sang, my son played video games (she has a son about the same age so she knows how things go), we enhanced the natural beauty and did a quick little photo shoot. Tam is a beautiful person, inside and out. Once I got cleaned up and packed, it was time to head to the summit.

Moneytrain feat. Anthony Hamilton ”Down” video coming soon

SIDE NOTE: Ya girl was awake but I knew my sleepiness would set in soon. After all, I did go see Barn Dinner Theatre’s ”Soul Sistas” with the Drunk Talk Live crew on Friday night, but I’m a night owl so I figured I could make it through. We had an amazing time and the cast was phenomenal!

Alright now back to this summit.

We arrived a bit early, which gave me time to touch up my makeup and change clothes. So imagine this, my makeup kit is in my back seat so I’m taking out what I need so I don’t look like I need to go lay down somewhere. I’m going from the front to the back seat for about 20 minutes. Sitting, standing, sitting, standing, and fighting the heat while looking for the rain as well. Alright, face is on, then I had to change my shirt and shoes. Now I’m sure most ladies know how to do this without the goods hanging out; from having to do and assist with quick changes in public, you become a pro.

Time to begin…

The Women’s Empowerment Summit was amazing. I was one of the first to speak. This is a little bit of a different stage for me but truly honored to be in the presence of some amazing women that all had something to offer, and so many connections were made.

From knowing your worth, to knowing your value, to speaking up, to always making time for self care, to retiring yourself, to investing, to taking chances on yourself… there were so many gems.

Janelle Marie– teacher, administrator, site liaison, staff developer, and life coach
LaWana (Slack) Mayfield– City Council at Large Elect
Chiquita Lindsay– Real estate Coach. She helps Women to retire early with real estate.
Patricia Johnson– Songstress, Mother, Graduate student- Professional Counselor
Virlynn Randolph– Rose of Audacity
Dr. Burnout (Kimberly Wilson)– Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Dr. Shana Lewis– Licensed Professional Counselor and a National Certified Counselor
Denise Bryers– Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Brandi Morris– Owner of LADIWORKZ and Creator of “Know your Business”
Dr. Syleecia Thompson– Entrepreneur, Educator, Best-selling Author (The Resilience Factor), and Entertainment Executive
Founder of The Ageless Woman presents The Women’s Empowerment Summit- Theresa Flatts

I was able to connect with women from around the world and by being in attendance, I may have the opportunity to travel and share my gifts with more people. There are doors opening that I had no idea there was even a window.

Dr. Shana
Tina Skindiva– Skincare Coach/ Author &
Arleen Jamison– Entrepreneur/ Author/ Life Coach
Bryson hung out with me too

And guess what? My day still wasn’t over! Bryson and I stopped by one of my best friend’s house to see their house and catch up with her and her family. We made it back to Greensboro around 11pm, so it was indeed a jam packed day and we were ready for sleep.

Interested in being a guest on the podcast? Click HERE to schedule a what day works best for you or feel free to email me at: info@NiSisEyes.com with the subject: Through the Eyes of NiSi: The Podcast

Click here to get your signed copy of Yonitry: Volume 1 (Volume 2 coming November 2022)

FYI: Annual Women in Power Brunch! Business Women of the Year Awards!