Tag Archives: EducatedBeauty

My Challenge… My #JourneytotheCrown

So I’ve been given a challenge, feel free to take this journey of self-love with me. I’ll be combining two days into one for the sake of this post but here are the first two prompts and at the end, I’ll give you the others so that you can continue.
#1. What is your favorite personality trait?
#2. How many people do you think you’ve made smile in your lifetime?

So I’ll start with the first one, I believe that my favorite personality trait of myself is my patience. I am extremely patient and take my time with things. In some cases this can be a gift and a curse but in my field of being a teacher and a makeup artist, and just a person that works with people; you kind of have to be able to take your time with certain kinds of people. We’re all different and don’t all catch things at the same speed or even move at the same pace; but all in all sometimes we really do just need to slow down and just enjoy life. My students have even told me that I’m too patient and I need a Patience Award. LOL. That says a lot coming from some that drive it to the edge. As the singer Tweet would sing, “I was created for this…,” this is who I am.

In taking that time with people, you get to know people and in that time just maybe a smile is exchanged. And sometimes it’s not depending on the topic but maybe it’s in the hello or the goodbye. However, I’d hope that over a lifetime that I’ve made millions of people smile. From my days as a baby to performing as an actress, singer, model, and the many times I’ve held the mirror up to a client so they could see what I’ve been doing to their face. The smile that came after was always a good feeling in my heart. As a teacher, seeing my students accomplish something or even feeling the love that I hope that I exude on a daily basis shows on the smile and the goodbye waves and “I love you’s” as they leave my classroom (some for the last time this year).

I’m sure that many smiles have been exchanged from my face to others and hopefully it has helped to make someone’s day better or at least that moment. Whether someone smiles at you today, stop reading this right now….. go to the mirror…. and give your biggest Celie from The Color Purple smile (but don’t ever hide your smile and always love yourself first.
Feel free to comment and leave your thoughts.

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