Through the Eyes of NiSi: Episode 12- Galentine’s Day & Mental Health

Let’s get into it.

Let’s get into the after show of Through the Eyes of NiSi radio show. Today’s show is not all about Galentine’s Day, but about friendships (or lack thereof), self love and mental health. All of February was dedicated to black love, and in preparation for the Hallmark holiday, Valentine’s Day; I was putting all of my ideas down and realized some things. There are a lot of people who are not happy about Valentine’s Day. Just like the ‘big’ holidays, people are either dealing with trauma, loss, loneliness, etc. Fellas, don’t think this is all about the ladies. We know y’all go through a lot too. You wake up sometimes and hope that today is not the day you become a hashtag just for being you. I tell guys all the time, it’s okay to take off your superhero cape sometimes, its okay to cry, its okay to be vulnerable. You may feel like you haven’t found those people that you are comfortable enough to be transparent with, but just know you may need to get out of your head too and speak your truth. Find the people or a person that you feel comfortable with “letting them in.”

On a transparent note: I am a single woman, the past few Valentine’s Days I have been alone. I used a Ruth’s Chris gift card this year and came home to Netflix and chill. For some people, being alone can be painful. I spend a lot of time working on my businesses or watching tv, or talking to my sister and/or friends. However, there are times when I have no words at all and just don’t want to talk. These are the times that I pull out a my canvas and paintbrush, or I use my phone to type a poem in my Notes app. I sometimes take the time to write out all of my accomplishments (mostly at the end of the year), but this way I begin to reminisce about what I’ve done and how good it felt to reach those mountaintops that I may not have thought were possible. There are even times that I just press record on my Voice Memo and just say how I’m feeling. For me, it’s all about getting it out, getting it off my chest, getting it off my head. I am not a therapist or a specialist of any kind, however this is what works for me. Should you need more resources, they are some listed below. I am blessed to have friends that call me if they haven’t heard from me. I’m an introvert but all that I do makes me seem like an extrovert.

Let me give my flowers to those people in my adult life that have been my sounding board and have seen me cry the ugly cry and listened to me try to get some words out: Tina, Betty, Courtney, Amie, and Natasha. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME! Sometimes you don’t even know you need somebody but I’m glad I have y’all for the good, bad and the ugly. I have also been blessed with getting to know some other ladies. I began doing more bridal clients last year with my business partner, Courtney; through knowing her I have met some other amazing Makeup Artists and Hairstylists. We have a group chat that we share our wins, inspirational words, prayers, ideas, thought provoking sermons, laughs, love and encouragement. So, Latoya, Johanna, C’Andra, Toya (and Courtney) thank you for lifting me up, especially in the midst of my day when I get in my head.

Valentine’s Day as I’ve said before, is a Hallmark money making holiday. Love is an action word, it should be shown daily. It doesn’t have to be just relationships. Love languages make a huge impact on a relationship. Remember, love languages tell you how you, yourself feel loved. If my love language is quality time, buying me gifts may not mean as much because all I want you to do is be around. By not acknowledging someone’s love language, it’s just like feeling unheard.

Everyday we are learning how to cope in this ‘new normal.’ In the midst of it all, we all should just be kind to each other. Before COVID-19, there was pain and whenever, if ever, we get past it; we still need to show compassion. The way I behave and interact with people are based on lessons learned from past experiences. Some people have been dealing with their own demons for years and have had to sit still with them being in isolation due to COVID. Understand that we all have traveled down our own paths and have all experienced life- some trying times and some triumphs. Some of us have lots of friends and family and some have lost lots of family and friends due to disagreements, disconnects or death.

At the end of the day, we all have stuff. Some of us have learned how to cope, and some of us are still trying to figure it all out. You never know where someone is on their personal journey, so be mindful that everyone’s journey is not yours.

Be sure to leave your comments and any feedback in the comment section below. Please also share additional resources below.


Topshelf ARTistry by NiSi


Therapy for Black Girls

Compass Life Skills

Flowerchild Productions Creative Inspirations Coloring Book


Crystal R Currie

Melica Wiley, M.S, LCMFT

Jacqueline F. Curry- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Damion Harmon-Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Certified Life Coach

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), text “STRENGTH” to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or go to


Courtney K Beauty

Faith Fitz You, LLC

Studio L Hair and Beauty Bar

Ajah Lip Creme

Makeup by Johanna

B’Loved Salon, LLC

Envisions Hair Studio


You can stream the show on iHeart, iTunes, Streema, TuneIn, etc.

Make sure you check in next week for our Month End Artist Spotlight, recording artist SY SMITH!

Interested in free advertising or being a guest on the show, click HERE to schedule a time to chat or feel free to email me at: with the subject: Through the Eyes of NiSi radio show

Always with a Brush,
