#StayAtHome Makeup Tutorial & Thoughts

Hey beautiful people!!

I hope this message finds you well and in good health. If inot, hopefully this gives you a little motivation to help you feel better. When you look good, you feel good.

This is a crazy time that we’re experiencing in the world and we’re all learning our new normals of getting through our day to day. We all started experiencing the start of a new normal around the beginning of February. We are now living a not so funny April Fool’s joke and trying not to go stir crazy from being in the house day in and day out. This has been a rough few months, in February, my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a rare blood cancer) and I flew home to be by her side as she started her first rounds of chemotherapy. In March, I lost my full time and part time jobs, as well as makeup clients postponed their appointments due to COVID-19. It’s been tough but we’re all in this together so let’s make the best of it. Just in case you are looking for someone to help: $NiSiMUA

Although we’re under orders to stay home, make use of this time and be productive. Take time to love on the people who matter the most to you and make the best out of each moment, make these memories flawless.

During this time, here’s what’s kept me busy:

-Netflix, Hulu and Philo

-Quality time with family over the phone

-Poetry (click HERE to see my most recent piece I was challenged to write with the theme #DearSurvivingWorld)

-Updating scripts/poems that I’ve started and beginning new pieces

-Makeup tutorials (See recent video below)

-Workout/ changing eating habits

-Cleaning/ Organizing around the house

Those are just some of the things keeping me from having an idle mind. What’s been keeping you occupied?

Here’s my #StayAtHome makeup tutorial, unedited.

Have makeup that you have no idea what to do with it? Contact me and let’s do a one on one #MakeMeOver makeup session and get you ready for freedom when Corona ends.

Be safe. Enjoy this time. Stay beautiful.