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These are my confessions…

So instead of putting this in poetry form, I figured I need to write it out and tell you how I really feel. If you follow me on social media (@nisiseyesmakeupartistry), you know that I had bridal makeup clients yesterday.

I was up at 6am, and pretty much on my feet from 8am until about 630pm. I stopped and got a 4 for 4 from Wendy’s once my job was complete; because that whole day all I had was a bowl of oatmeal before I left the house, some water (definitely not enough), and 2 mini chocolate chip muffins. I was exhausted when I got home, so I laid down.

Due to me taking a nap once I got home, I was up at about 2am with a headache. So I took Excedrin Migraine about 4am, drank some water and laid back down. I usually have migraines but this felt more like a tension headache (pain nonetheless). As I sit here typing this at 1:45 on this Sunday afternoon, it still lingers on but I am still pinpointing my triggers of migraines and tension headaches (for me it feels kinda one in the same), but the fact that I’m even up able too type this tells me that this is no migraine.

So some may ask, whats’s the difference between a cluster headache and a migraine?

Well according to, Cluster headaches are one of the most painful types of headache. A cluster headache commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head.

A cluster headache strikes quickly, usually without warning, although you might first have migraine-like nausea and aura. Common signs and symptoms during a headache include:

  • Excruciating pain that is generally situated in, behind or around one eye, but may radiate to other areas of your face, head and neck
  • One-sided pain
  • Restlessness
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness of your eye on the affected side
  • Stuffy or runny nose on the affected side
  • Forehead or facial sweating on the affected side
  • Pale skin (pallor) or flushing on your face
  • Swelling around your eye on the affected side
  • Drooping eyelid on the affected side

A migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities. Migraines, which often begin in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood, can progress through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all stages.

There are a number of migraine triggers, including:

  • Hormonal changes in women. Fluctuations in estrogen, such as before or during menstrual periods, pregnancy and menopause, seem to trigger headaches in many women.Hormonal medications, such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, also can worsen migraines. Some women, however, find their migraines occurring less often when taking these medications.
  • Drinks. These include alcohol, especially wine, and too much caffeine, such as coffee.
  • Stress. Stress at work or home can cause migraines.
  • Sensory stimuli. Bright lights and sun glare can induce migraines, as can loud sounds. Strong smells — including perfume, paint thinner, secondhand smoke and others — trigger migraines in some people.
  • Sleep changes. Missing sleep, getting too much sleep or jet lag can trigger migraines in some people.
  • Physical factors. Intense physical exertion, including sexual activity, might provoke migraines.
  • Weather changes. A change of weather or barometric pressure can prompt a migraine.
  • Medications. Oral contraceptives and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin, can aggravate migraines.
  • Foods. Aged cheeses and salty and processed foods might trigger migraines. So might skipping meals or fasting.
  • Food additives. These include the sweetener aspartame and the preservative monosodium glutamate (MSG), found in many foods.

My pain is currently on the left side of my forehead above my brow bone, behind my left ear and at the nape of my head. No pain on the right side but definitely on the left.

Okay, now that I’ve gotten some explanations out of the way, just know that when it comes to my clients, especially my Brides; I am there with them (most times) through the beginning of the reception. I would consider myself a Makeup Artist/Bride Assistant. I am there if mics need to be put on, putting lotion on, shoes need to be buckled, help with tightening and tying up the corset, etc. So by doing all this I barely sit down unless I am waiting on someone or something to happen because we are on a timeline. I don’t assume that food brought in for the bridal party is for me, nor do I assume that I have a plate at the wedding reception. If things are offered, great but my role is to be the Makeup Artist. Because I am a helping person, I’m not just going to stand there and be like ‘I did my job.’ I am going to help where needed, this possibly results in me not putting myself first though.

Me last night after being on my feet for approximately 12 hours.

From this day forth, I have to do better; I will try not to be hard headed. I will be including in my timeline; brain/body breaks and meal breaks. Whether I need to pack a small lunch or smoothies or something, I have to make sure I am covered even if the people who hired me, don’t remember it in the grand scheme of things (and believe me, it’s a lot going on). I recommend my other MUA’s and vendors (photographers, hair stylists, wedding coordinators, etc.) do the same. I know the value of my work and even through the pain, sometimes I am trying to give 100% and am killing myself because I want to make sure my clients’ day is flawless. I go over and beyond and my prices will reflect that. I know that once your besties get their spanx and everything on, they can’t get down on the floor and help you strap that shoe or make sure your legs aren’t ashy. Once nails are done, there may be some struggle with helping to button and zip the Bride in; that’s where I come in.

If you’ve read this far, know that I am mainly typing with my left eye closed so I am going to go back to my ice pack and lay back down in my dark room. I have a painting to finish and deliver this week and my headache issues won’t let me be great. I just wanted to make sure you understand the magnitude of what we go through to make these types of events/productions as perfect as possible but in return, please remember that we’re on our feet and sometimes barely eating during our 8-12 hour day (sometimes longer). Keep that in mind when you are requesting a service and you want us at our best, unfortunately we are working hard to help you create flawless memories but are hurting ourselves in the process.

Always with a Brush,


Don’t miss out!!

The time for gift giving is just around the corner (or for some, it’s just another day to show love)… I’ve got some REALLY SPECIAL things coming up over the holidays! I hope that you’re on the VIP list so you know what’s going on before everyone else, so if:

💄Want to see product reviews and get tips on what works best for me and my clients (before you buy or if you have it and don’t know what to do with it).

💄 You’re still trying to find a foundation that doesn’t make you look orange or casket ready

💄You need one- on- one help to learn how to apply makeup that fits your face 

💄you want to be the first to receive special promotions just for being apart of my journey.


You’ll start seeing a lot more of me soon, especially if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook and my YouTube channel. If you want me to personally reach out to you with the beau-tea☕️ before everyone else, join my VIP list!

You’ll want to be in VIP! You’ll be the first to know when I go live, when I’ll open up classes and one-on-one sessions, product reviews, and special promotions.

So, RIGHT NOW…go and save your spot on the VIP List!

Click HERE (it takes less than 5 minutes)!  

Always with a Brush,


P.S. Just in case you love art in all its forms, you may want to be apart of my Topshelf ARTistry Connoisseurs (faces aren’t the only canvases I paint). Click HERE!